On September 11, 2009 Jeff Hardy was arrested on charges of trafficking in controlled prescription pills and possession of anabolic steroids. Upon a search of Jeff Hardy’s house police yielded 262 prescription pills, 180 soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine, and drug paraphernalia. He was charged with trafficking opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a schedule controlled substance.
Jeff was then set for a court hearing but Jeff Hardy's hearing was postponed, after making his shocking return to the 3 hour TNA event. Recently, Jeff Hardy has been dealt yet another legal setback, Jeff Hardy's drug charges went to the grand jury a few weeks ago in Moore County, North Carolina. A grand jury found that there is enough evidence to indict Hardy and the case has been moved to superior court. It’s expected for Jeff to do 2-6 years if he is found guilty. Jeff made a very big mistake in keeping such large quantities of drugs in his home. Being fan of Jeff Hardy let’s hope he doesn't have to do any time. Maybe this horrible ordeal Jeff Hardy is going through will change him for the better. I hope for his sake and all his fans Jeff Hardy is given a second chance.
Article by Wes