Thanks to the THQ and YUKES video game company WWE has been driven to success in their Smackdown video games titles. Altogether they have made 10 Smackdown video games and this fall it will be the 11th which is the scheduled release date of Smackdown vs Raw 2010. Many people say that this will be the most realistic SvR ever made. Previous SvR games were great, it seems every year there is a new twist to the games. In SvR 2009, create a finisher was born, people have been asking many years for this feature and at last they got it. Create a finisher mode was unbelievable and there was over a thousand combinations to choose to make your character and make your very own custom ground breaking finisher.
Now in SvR 2010 it is your world now and this year its all about customization and details. For the first time ever you can edit real Superstars on the roster. For example, you can take Rey Mysterio and completely change his look. Also you can choose what color you want for each side of his mask, boots, gloves, pants and elbow pads. In Smackdown vs Raw you can customize everyone on the roster; this mode is called "Superstar Threads”. Another great new feature is the new paint tool in which you can create your very own Logo Design or tattoo and take it online for the world to see. Game play has improved over the years and superstars will move more realistically than in past games. Also your created superstars are fully 3D there are no more painted on chains or cloths. Smackdown vs Raw 2010 is shaping up to be a game that will have something fun for everyone and is scheduled to hit the stores October 20th 2009.
Article by Wes